Thousands of protesters in Turkey and Mexico marched for an end to violence against women, as both countries are known to have some of the highest femicide rates in the world. Femicide is the killing of women and girls simply because of their gender.
The protests took place on November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
What is happening in Turkey?
Months before yesterday's demonstrations, Turkey backed out of an international pact called the Istanbul Convention, aimed to fight domestic and gender-based violence; Turkish conservatives argued that the Convention threatened local family values, and Turkish president Mr Erdogan said Turkey would use regional laws to protect women.
The protests took place on Istanbul's Taksim Square, where the police threw tear gas at marchers and urged them to go home.
According to rights groups in Turkey, 345 women have been killed so far this year, making the local problem of femicide one of the biggest in the world.
What is happening in Mexico?
Similar uprisings were seen yesterday in Mexico, where thousands of women, dressed in purple and black (the colors of the women's rights movement) shouted "Not one [woman] less," accusing the Mexican government of not doing enough to tackle the problem. The police, like in Turkey, tried to suppress the crowd by throwing smoke bombs at the protesters.
Mexican president Mr Lopez Obrador has criticized feminist marches more than once, stating that they are prompted by his enemies to damage his government.
Around 10 women are murdered every day in Mexico, and more than 10,700 have been killed since 2019 according to official statistics.
Hundreds have also protested in Paris, London and Barcelona for the same cause.